Legacy Doberman Rescue Alumni

LDR Alumni was created as a Facebook group to celebrate rescues, fosters, adopters and anyone interested in following the stories and people working with LDR.
You can read about the “I Need a Drink Litter” on the About Page. Cristal, now Miss Ruby (Dooby Doo) has transformed into a beautiful family member.
Thanks to all the adopters that have opened their hearts and homes to these puppies!

It’s me- Poppy Rose!
It’s me- Poppy Rose! Y’all remember I was dumped at the shelter in January by my BYB owner with my babies, my friend and her two pups? Well- look at me now!!!
My kids got really good homes of their own, but I stayed behind. Rescue lady called me a “project”.
I got all my fur back! I even got spayed so I don’t have to have puppies every 6 months like I used to. I used to live outside in the yard *all* the time. Rain, heat, snow- didn’t matter. I was outside.
My skin was all infected and my fur was bleached and dead and fell out. I got used to the box thing (crate) and I like it. I’m learning what to do with toys. I like the ones they hide treats in the best. I’m kinda a foodie. I also like to hang out with humans.
Kids are my favorite. Kids give super good pets and I like pets. Have I mentioned I like pets? Small furry things like cats need to DIE, so if you have one I’m probably not a good fit unless it’s ok if I eat it. I like other chill dogs. I’m best fit for an experienced owner who understands I’m still a bit of a project.
I like structure, leadership (so I don’t have to make decisions when it’s scary) and lots of attention. I like my people to stay with me and hang out, so if you like to stay home and chill we should seriously talk about your couch.
I hate thunderstorms so they’ll send me with my special shirt I wear when the weather is bad. I’m 5 years old and all my vetting is done.
Cue Lady is waiting to talk to you about me, so paw Legacy Doberman Rescue Email and let’s make it happen!
It’s been fun here and I’ve learned a lot but I know my forever family is out there somewhere!